Sign In with Apple in Android

Priyanka Gupta
2 min readMar 23, 2021



Hello friends, Recently Apple introduced sign In with Apple ID in android, As we have many options in the Android app to login/sign up with our social account i.e Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc, But Now you can add one more option i.e with apple Account.

As an Android Developer, I was excited to add the Apple login in Android device, as a feature in one of the app, but as I went Going It seems easy any more, there were so many problems and hurdles in the process, but at last, got success.

Similar to Twitter and Facebook, Apple Login is also working from WebView Dialog/Webview.

The following are the steps you need to do for implementing Apple sign-in android.

Step 1: Set up your app in the Apple Developer Account and Backend Server.

  1. Please make sure that the backend Server and Call back Url are working properly.
  2. After Step 1 you would get CLIENT_ID, REDIRECT_URI, SCOPE.

Step 2: Add the‘ Sign in with Apple’ Button In your Android app.

  1. Add a Button to your XML file.

2. Make AppConstanst file.

3. Add Button click and Apple Login Web view Dialog code in the file.

4. Make sure your Redirect URL is working Correctly.

Here are some screenshots of this demo.

